The following is my personal reading list for the books that I have read over the last year for both school and enjoyment.Below each book is breiflly described.
A Seperate Peace-John Knowles: This was a book that we had to read for English class in our freshman year. It was a somewhat interesting book but was also a bit confusing at parts. The charchters were developed very well and you became attached to Phineas with him being the main charchter. I rate this book on a scale from one to ten a 5 because I did not really think it had a meaning.
The Lord Of The Flies-William Golding: This book was one of those books that had a hidden meaning throughout all of the book. I like books like that because you can disscuse them with other people and find out what they think the thing mean. It was also a little discusting the way that the boys on the island slaughtered the pigs and how animal like they were. I rate this book a 7 because the charchters were developed and it had a good meaning.
Romeo and Julliet-William Shakespere: This was a play and it was the first play that I have ever read. I liked it a lot but there was really only one downside to reading it, we did not read the whole story in entirety because of the amount of time that we had. I especially liked reading the play when different people read the different charchter parts.
The Night Stalker: This was a very good book that I happened to love a lot. It was a real life story and that is one of the things that I really like about reading. There are so many books out there and by reading a book that is true you gain so much knowledge that it is incrediable. This story is not for the weak stomached people because it is very graphic at many points and there are not only some bloody scenes but also some sexual scenes. For anyone that really enjoys reading true stories that might scare you abit, this is the book for you. The story is the real life of the crimes and killings of the serial killer Richard Rameriz. You will enjoy it.
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salanger: This is a book of much describtion that at more points than one gets very slow and almost very boring. I had to read this book for school and if I did not I would have put this book down in maybe about thirty seconds. Holden Caulfield is a boy that is in much confusion in his life, he has gotten kicked out of several different schools and the life that he has is very confusing. He often remembers many things of the past and has many different eposodes of his life.
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkin: This book is a fiction book that is all about made up charchters and it is really fun to read at certian points. All of the charchters in this novel are the charchters that people in real life hear about but never really thought that they were true. Bilbo Baggins is the main charchter and he is a reluctant hero that travels with dwarfs on a long journey to prove to himself that he is somone special.