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\parSource #11: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph
\par \par \tabThis is a passage that means a lot to me because of the movie \'93The Usual Suspects\'94. This is a movie about a man named Kaiser Sosa. This man was a killer that had no mercy to the people that he killed. This can be related to Caesar because he is one of those people that would not take anything from those that disespected him. Caesar is a person that will not take anything from those that do not think they are better than he. The life of Caesar is based all around the fact that he needs and wants power badly. Much like Kaiser Sosa in the movie, Caesar is a man that could kill if he had to. Although he did not have to prove this it is know that Caesar has the ability to do whatever he pleases because he has so many people that are right on his side. He is a leader in this play that could do whatever he wants, he is a power hungary man that could crush people whenever he wants. Caesar was not given all that he has in his life. He had to work for respect from the people and now that he had the respect he was not going to let go of it.
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