Source # 31: chart about analysis of four main characters
This chart is a good way to look at and compare and contrast all of the main leaders in the story. Cassius is one character that is money hungry and feeds off of power like no other. He is someone that wanted to get power and wants to live in the highest living standards. Brutus is someone that has some characteristics that contradict each other and make him a difficult character to analysis. He can be so kind and caring but then he care go crazy for a while and agree to something like killing Caesar. He is trustworthy and that is a reason why someone like Cassius would pick on him to try and kill Caesar. Brutus had all of the money so it was tough to see if he would have acted differently without money. Caesar was a person that like Cassius loved power but unlike Cassius he could get power. He was not in the story long enough for the reader to really get a good idea on who he was and what he was like. He was an odd character that wanted power but was able to please the crowd many times by doing something like not accepting a crown that the people wanted to give to him. Antony was a character that played a small role in the beginning and was in Caesar’s shadow. He would do whatever Caesar asked of him. He would work hard but he too like the others wanted money. He could make the people like him much like what Caesar would do. Overall, these characters have many similarities but also differences that make them argue.