Source # 17: Plutarch
Caesar did indeed have the ability to catch people’s eyes and make them see that he is a great person. Caesar is one of those people that has the way about him that makes him appealing to others that are around him. He was an amazing person that had all of the qualities of a leader. He was liked by the people before he even thought about becoming the leader. He acted as if he was an ordinary citizen himself and would grace through the people with the intent of making them think that he was the greatest person. He would entertain the people with his dinner parties and all of the people were invited. He tried hard not to leave anyone out of the picture because in the back of his mind he most likely knew that every vote would count when he went to be there leader. He was an innocent man that did not ever see the attack on him coming. He was blind to the fact that people wanted to kill him because he had been so liked all of his life. He was one of those people that could not at all get used to not being liked. Although he never lived knowing that there were people out there that did not like him, he was always under the impression that he could deal with those that did not like his ways. It ended up that he could not because in the end he was the one that many had come to forget about.