Source # 10: Griffin, Miriam

The Roman people long awaited a great leader that could provide them with the spirit and leadership that they needed. They had gone through many poor leaders and were sick of the way that they were treated. They wanted a ruler that would give them rights and let them live the way that they wanted to. Rome was a place that was at certain points was in turmoil. Many people were disrespected and bad things happened to everyone. The bringing of Julius Caesar made the people believe that he was the right leader for them. He portrayed the perfect person that would give justice to all. The Roman ancestors had built up Rome to be the place that many wanted to live. Live there used to be good and Caesar was the person that was going to restore the life in Rome and its people. There had not been such a leader and such a person who would fight like Caesar fought. He worked hard to get Rome to be a place that people wanted to be. The way that the people repaid him was by disrespecting him and not seeing that he really wanted to be there ruler but only if the people wanted that. Caesar was misunderstood often and the Romans thought that he was trying to take over all that they had when he was just a person that wanted the best for all of Rome.