Source # 35: The Romans And Their Land
The plebeians or common people were never treated with respect that they should be treated with. They were always put into situations where they were not happy and could not do anything in the community. With a dictator, they could not vote or do anything of the sort. With a king, the only person who got what they wanted was the king. All of the people were left in the dark and not thought about when times were tough. The plebeians were thought of as the people that would go to war if something bad happened. That was all that they were until the type of government began to change. It was rough for the commoners to try and change the government. For those that could not make certain payments on time, they were mistreated and forced to be the slave of the person that they could not pay. The plebeians one day decided to march out to a hill outside or Rome and try to form there own type of government. The authority figures listened and the form of government was changed so that common people could vote and some years later the plebeians were even able to run for office themselves. The plebeians finally achieved full citizenship and social equality but there form of government never fully became democratic like our own.