These bills of outlawry warn you, the people, of certain Romans. We will not endure them. Beware of men with itchy palms who disrespected Caesar. Remember the ides of March and what they did to us. These Romans killed Julius for justice sake. They support robbers, contaminate there fingers with base brides, and sell the mightily space of our large honors. They carry rash choler and may be hated by those that they love. These Romans have no feeling towards death. They are the Romans that bear no truth, they lie with no regrets. These enemies of the state may be killed as they killed. They act like friends and then they betray as they did with great Caesar. These Romans shall be outlawed and never again seen. This is a warning to all. Whatever you do, do not be made one of them, for they are lower than dogs that bay the moon. They are not Romans.