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\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Journal Entry One
\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1The first half of the book is composed of many ups and downs for Huckleberry Finn. It seems as if life is going somewhat well for Huck with his schooling and the way that he seems to be becoming a bit more civilised. He respects both Miss Watson and t} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 he Widow Douglas. They were in the process of teaching him how to spell and like I said everything was going well for him. Until that one night when he walked into his room and ìI had shut the door to. "Then I turned around, and there he was. I } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 used to be scared of him all of the time, he tanned me so much. I reckoned I was scared now, too;but in a minute I see I was mistaken-that is,after the first jolt, as you may say, when my breath sort of hitched, he being so unexpected;" (page 27)
\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1Now what comes into play is Huckís father, the drunk of the town. He beats Huck all of the time and the beatings are only worse when Huckís dad is even more drunk. So anyways, the life that Huck had when he was a becoming more civilised } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 was all going to change because of his father. All that Huckís father wanted from Huck was the money that Huck supposedly had or any other money that he could come up with. Huckís dad was very nasty to Huck and did not want Huck to be in sc} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 hool any longer. He wanted Huck to stop learning and becoming smarter. "Well, I'll learn her how to meddle. And looky here, you drop that school ,you hear? I'll learn people to bring up a boy to put on airs over his own father and let on to be better&i} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 acute;n what he is."(page 28) In Huck's dad's mind you can see that money and education are not important to him. But more importantly since Huck's dad never had any schooling or never learned anything he did not want Huck to go to school either.
\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1The author really creates a bizarre situation when a father has to kidnap his own son. Since Huck feels that his dad is part of all the evils in the society Huck tends to describe his dad with such brutality. But than again who really knows if Huck ev} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 en has a father considering that the whole story could be a huge lie that Huckleberry Finn only dreamed about.
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